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Baby Bottle Drive

By Alan Zimmel, Grand Knight Council 10258, St. Stanislaus Catholic Church, Texas Knight Reporter

Vol. 1, 2024 - 2025

Bottle Drive

Members of Knights of Columbus, Council 10258, present a $10,000 check to the Kerrville, TX Parenting Resource Center. L-R: DGK John Fassl, Council Pro-Life Chairman, Presleigh Way, PRC Administrative Assistant, GK Alan Zimmel, and F.S. Rick Brower.

The Knights of Columbus, Council 10258, Bandera, TX held their Second Annual ‘Baby Bottle’ Drive benefitting the Parenting Resource Center (PRC) in Kerrville, TX. The Baby Bottle drive was held from Mother’s Day, 12 May and finished on Father’s Day, 16 June. With the generous support of the St. Stanislaus and St Victor Parish communities the council raised $10,000 for the PRC to provide physical, emotional, and spiritual support for families as they navigate pregnancy and parenthood. The funds were presented to the PRC on 19 June 2024

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