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Big Lie

By Richard Earp, Council 7099, Texas Knight Reporter

Vol. 1, 2024 - 2025

The problem with abortion is this- no human has a “right” to take another person’s life. When powerful people speak of women’s “rights” to an abortion, what they are saying to a woman is, “It’s OK to rank your life as more important than the child’s life growing in your body.” No matter how the child inside of a women’s body got there, that growing baby is another person and suggesting that it’s OK to rate that new life as inferior to the life of the woman carrying it wrong. No human being can take away another human being’s life. No human has a “right” to rank their life is more valuable than that of another person. This is what I call the “big lie.”

Politicians the world over have always sold the big lie only to change the focus to carry out their hidden agenda. Hitler did it by convincing Germans that their life was worth more than Jews, Catholics, Gypsies, people who were challenged. Listening to Hitler led people to believe that their German existence was more important than other human lives.

Neither you or I or anyone else had a “right” to think that our lives are somehow more important than another’s life. Watch carefully when politicians tell you that you’re OK to rank your life higher than other lives. That’s when your value system of ranking lives becomes, “Well my life is clearly more important than that homeless person,” or “We’re doing that challenged person a favor by keeping them from a difficult life,” or “That person has no chance to excel because of it’s background, so their life is less important than mine.” Wrong, wrong, wrong. It all starts with the “big lie” granting one person the right to rank their life higher than another’s life. My message to supporters of “women’s rights”: Don’t swallow the “big lie.” It's just so wrong.

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