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Diocese of Corpus Christi's Organizational Meeting

By Sir Knight Victor Garcia, Jr., PGK, FDD Colonel, US ARMY, Retired Corpus Christi Diocesan Deputy President, Corpus Christi Knights of Columbus Area Chapter

Vol. 1, 2024 - 2025

What a most wonderful and fraternal experience we enjoyed this morning at the Diocese of Corpus Christi's Organizational Meeting at St. Peter Prince of the Apostle Church. It was very well attended and represented by 43 Brothers from throughout our Diocese. Indeed our Worthy State Evangelization & Faith Formation Director, Gregory Brown, did very well on delivering and bringing a common affinity of our fraternal expectations.

Overall the meeting environment and welcoming spirit was very enjoyable and authentic. A great reception with morning breakfast, sweets and refreshments, was enjoyed by all.

The respectable open engagement from our attendees was one to be very proud of, and I'm grateful to God for them. We're off to A Great Start.

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