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Fort Worth Diocese Priest and Religious Appreciation Dinner

By Pat Henz, Texas Knight Reporter

Vol. 1, 2024 - 2025

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The Knights from the Fort Worth Diocese held their 28th Annual Priest and Religious Appreciation Dinner on July 31.Fr. Maurice Moon, Director of Collegian Seminarian Formation, filled in for Bishop Michael Olson who was unable to attend the event. The Knights presented the $214,223 check, surpassing their $81,395 State Charity goal. Wichita Falls Co. 1473 Vocations fundraiser dinner earlier in the fraternal year raised over $140,000.

More than 350 Knights and their wives attended the dinner along with over 90 Priests, Deacons, Sisters, and Seminarians. During the event, Fr. Moon introduced all 29 seminarians, nine of which are new for this year. The Knights also presented Fr. Moon with a check for over $4000.00 for any emergencies that may arise with the seminarians. This money was collected through a “Pennies for Seminarians” program. During various events that councils hold, such as pancake breakfasts or 50/50 raffle, councils will put out collection jars asking for tips or extra change.

Over the last twenty-eight years, the Knights from Fort Worth Diocese has raised over $4,200,000.00, which has been earmarked by the Bishop for Vocations and Deaf Ministries. The Deaf community has always participated in the annual dinner. They show their appreciation by signing a song and providing an update on the deaf community.

During the program, the Knights also recognize those Priest and Religious who were celebrating milestone anniversaries and a moment of silence was taken as the names of the Priests and Sisters who passed away the previous year were read. Following the dinner and program, a live and silent auction was held kicking off the new fraternal years State Charity goals. These auctions raised over $10,000.00.

If needed; the names of those in the photo are: (left to right)

Chris Stark – General Agent

Fr. Maurice Moon – Vocations Director

Associate State Chaplain Mel Bessellieu

Diocesan Deputy Craig Modrzynski

State Star Council Director Bill Tillotson

State Advocate David Pels

State Warden Bruce Mallory

Fr. Mikolaj “Nick” Lech Scibior – Military Arch Diocese

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