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Independence Day

By Tom Stamp GK/Council 6358 (Good Shepherd, Schertz), Texas Knight Reporter

Vol. 1, 2024 - 2025

Once again, Council 6358 (Good Shepherd, Schertz) played an instrumental role in the community’s annual Independence Day celebrations. In addition to providing a float and a contingent of Knights on Bikes in the parade, Mikulski Hall (owned and operated by the Good Shepherd Columbus Club) served as the prime viewing spot along the parade route. Enthusiastic Brothers and their families, as well as members of the community, gathered at Mikulski Hall to enjoy the parade with free refreshments and, most importantly, shade. After the parade, more than 250 people gathered inside Mikulski Hall to partake in the Council’s annual 4th of July free cookout for all members of the community. Participants expressed their amazement and appreciation for the Council’s gesture of hospitality


1 – Brothers and family members prepare to watch the parade out front of Mikulski Hall.

2 – Members of the community line up for a free lunch after the parade inside Mikulski Hall.

3 – Hundreds of members of the community enjoy the hospitality of a free BBQ lunch.

4 – Politicians can’t resist community gatherings. Congressman Henry Cuellar (2 nd from right) and several local mayors stopped by to celebrate the holiday with community members after the parade.

5 – Family members strategize to assist the Council with recruitment and raffle sales among the guests.

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