Vol. 2, 2024 - 2025
Nnewly installed officers for Council #2153, located in Weimar, Texas and within the Diocese of Victoria, Texas. These are the officers, within the photo and those listed below for fiscal year 2024-2025
This is the outline of the officers for Knights of Columbus Council
#2153 for the Fiscal year 2024-2025, as they stand, left to right,
Delphin Bartek, 3-year Trustee. Stephen Helmcamp, Financial Secretary,
Joe Jimenez, Grand Knight, Frances Janacek, Treasurer,
Father Chase Goodman, Chaplain, Emil(Buddy) Hudec, Inside Guard, Jack
Muggli, Deputy Grand Knight and Bill Wick, Warden. The other officers of
the Council that were not present are as follows:
Chancellor: Russ McAfee
Recorder: David Hessel
Advocate: Marlen Michalke
Lecturer: Kyle Holik
Outside Guard: Bill Clifford
1-year Trustee: Mike Riha
2-year Trustee: Douglas Berger
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6633 Hwy 290 East, Ste 204
Austin, TX 78723