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Pancake Breakfast and Patriotic Rosary

By By SK, MAN, RN Joel Clemente, Council 12153 and Assembly 3004, Texas Knight Reporter

Vol. 1, 2024 - 2025

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The brother knights of the St. Gabriel the Archangel Council 12153 headed by their Grand Knight SK Jeff Marchino conducted a Pancake Breakfast last Sunday, May 4, 2024 at the St. Gabriel the Archangel Community Center in McKinney, Texas.

Over 200 parishioners enjoyed the breakfast meals of pancake, biscuit, harsh brown, and sausage of the event, after attending the 9am mass. They were very thankful to the council's knights for providing such breakfast that are healthy and nutritious.

The event also was a recruitment strategy to recruit men to join the fraternal organization, of which some man signed up to be members of the organization.

Later, in the afternoon of the same day at 1pm, the aforementioned brother knights spearheaded a Patriotic Rosary held at the Frisco VFW Post 8273 in Frisco, Texas, in honor, and remembrance of those who served in the Vietnam war.

Such patriotic itinerary is dedicated to ensuring that the Vietnam generations knows the Knights deep appreciation for their service. It is also one of the brother knights commitment and allegiance as fourth degree sir knights - Patriotism, the patriotic degree of the Order.

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