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Patriotic Rosary

By Brian Tooley District Deputy #106, Texas Knight Reporter

Vol. 1, 2024 - 2025

Patriotic Rosary 2024A

Members of St Joseph Council 8954, along with the St Joseph Women’s Guild and Color Corps members of Mother Teresa Assembly 2506 and Alfred N Nicolas Assembly 2139 participated in the Patriotic Rosary at St Joseph Catholic Church in Richardson, TX on July 4, 2024..

Along with the Patriotic Rosary, in which each US state is prayed for with a Hail Mary, quotes from famous American leaders were recited, the Pledge of Allegiance as performed by Red Skelton in 1969 was performed and the story of the how ‘Under God’ made it into the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954 due to the Knights of Columbus was told.

Fr Stephen Ingram, a 4th Degree Knight and our Council Chaplain is Pastor of St Joseph.

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