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Take Advantage of the Eucharistic Revival

By Clint Mendoca, Online Membership Chairman

Vol. 1, 2024 - 2025

As the Online Membership Chairman, I have the unique privilege of calling new brother knights who have applied through the online portal. Of the dozens of calls I’ve made in the past month, two of them stuck out to me. While these men attend parishes in the Dallas and Houston area, neither application was submitted in Texas. Both originated from Indianapolis, IN at the 10th National Eucharistic Congress.

Each of these applicants attend parishes with vibrant councils which attained Star Council in the past year. Despite the recruiting success of each council, somehow these two men were still missed by local brother knights. Thankfully, through the order sponsoring booths and events during the Eucharistic Congress, both new members were able to sign up for membership before they even got back to their hotels that evening.

What impressed me most in these conversations was the zeal that these men had for their faith. There was clearly already a spark in them to make the trek up to Lucas Oil Stadium in Indiana, but that spark led to them being on fire with their faith once there. These men were clearly energized by the experiences at the Eucharistic Congress and ready to bring what they’d learned and experienced back to their parish communities. We are truly lucky to have them now also wanting to bring their experience back to the brother knights of their councils.

I’m sure that there were more than just two Catholic men from Texas among the 60,000 in that stadium. Are you aware of members of your local parish who made the trip to Indianapolis? Maybe members of your parish made a special effort to attend any of the dozens of stops along the Juan Diego route of the Eucharistic Pilgrimage, which included locations in the Brownsville, Corpus Christi, Victoria, Galveston-Houston, and Beaumont dioceses?

If these pilgrims are not yet members of the council, invite them to your next social gathering to share their experiences with our brother knights. They may choose to join the order when they find how we can help them implement the Eucharistic Revival. If these men are already members of your council, engage them and see what they can do to enhance Faith programs such as Holy Hours and Cor meetings. I’m sure you’ll be as impressed by their zeal as I was.

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