Vol. 1, 2024 - 2025
Long gone are the days when we were assigned the time we were called to serve our Country, for whatever the
reason or time, but serve we did. Then in God’s time, those remaining must Honor those who served. This is a
brief glimpse of one of those times.
Several months ago I was meeting with some clients and one of them asked if I was a Veteran and I answered
yes. She then proceeded to ask me some questions and presented me with several items, one of which was a
Challenge Coin along with copies of proclamations regarding the honoring of Vietnam War Era Veterans who
served from 1955 through 1975, which I did. I had never considered myself a member of the Vietnam War
Veteran Group for many reasons, although we all suffered through lack of Honor and belonging, but we all felt
the scorn and hate much of the country expressed toward all servicemen of that era at that time 50 years ago.
Most wanted to forget, but could not or would not for various reasons.
Today, the Nation has turned a page and wants to atone for the errors of that distant past. The Department of
Defense has expressed sympathy for our Veterans, although it has taken a long time coming to realize what
these servicemen endured, and to admit there was fault at many levels . Today, we have a more grateful Nation
and our population is more sensitive to what the members of our military feel and to admit that errors were
committed for whatever reason. In doing so, I felt more a part of this nation and what happened was being
erased and pushed aside to help me and those who served regardless of potential ill feelings of an ungrateful
Nation. The veil of shame is being washed away. I was asked if I thought a ceremony for a small group of
Veterans might be possible to honor a group of Veterans of that era, I told them I would check and let them
know. I talked to some Knights of Columbus from my Council and they thought they might consider it, but later
changed their minds and told me the 4th Degree Assembly might be a better option as they were a Patriotic
organization. I asked our Faithful Navigator and he told me that he would think about it. Later, he told me to
present it to the Assembly officers and I did. They thought it had merit and was told that if I wanted to pursue it,
they had no problem, and I was granted permission. I asked a few members I knew and could rely on and we
started to put this program together, although I had no idea if it would be accepted by Veterans and our
Assembly members.
One thing led to another and over 3 months the project grew, but before we could actually set anything in
motion or decide how to truly proceed, we needed a location. We serve four East Texas Parishes, and only one,
St. Martin of Tours had a meeting hall with enough space to conduct a program or meeting of any size, but we
needed permission. I created an outline of what we intended to do with the ultimate objective to honor
Vietnam War Era Veterans. Needing approval, I presented the proposal to Fr. Patrick Olayeye, Priest for St
Martin of Tours, Forney, Tx, a small community South East of Dallas, Tx.
He thought the program I outlined was good, but he needed a letter from our District Master stating this was a
worthy program and it had approval from the 4th Degree to proceed. I contacted the Master of the 3rd Texas
District, SK Ken Franch and asked him if he would submit a letter to Fr Patrick indicating this was a worthy
program and had the Support of the 4th Degree, and SK Ken Franch sent Fr Patrick a letter telling him this
program was a worthy one and it had support of the 4th Degree.
Once Fr Patrick received the letter he gave approval to go ahead and use the Church facilities and instructed the
staff to cooperate with us and provide support. However, he expressed all expense of the program would be
the responsibility of the SK Silas ‘Si’ Jones, Jr., Assembly 3786. I was formerly a member of a Military Honor
Guard who performed services for deceased Veterans being interred in private and National Cemeteries, but
since this group retired from actively honoring deceased Veterans because of the age of most if it’s members, it
is no longer active. Now, I was hopefully going to assist in honoring Veterans who had served many years ago,
focusing on Veterans of the Vietnam War Era and all additional Veterans.
I was contacted by Dr. Diana Mason, PhD, Emeritus, former professor from UNT Denton, Tx. She became my
Mentor and Access to a program that had been ongoing for 3 plus years. This program was put in place by the
Department of Defense to honor all Veterans who served from 1955 to 1975, the Vietnam War Era who served
regardless of branch of service and where stationed. I proceeded to get approval for the Assembly to sponsor
this program which I did receive and was made chairman of the committee. I asked four members I knew and
could rely on to help, and they all agreed to do what they could, and they were; SK Roger Fulton, SK Billy
Schlebach, SK Bob Paterka and SK Larry Winkler, all former Military; Army, Navy and Air Force. We each took a
parish and agreed to start asking veterans to participate in the program. The first thing needed was something
we could show them.
I created a flyer explaining the program to show veterans who were interested and set a date to hold the
program. The date set was of May 20, 2024, a Monday and day of the week when no-one generally uses the
Parish facilities. The date was open, we reserved it and began our task. Notices were sent to the four Parishes,
including contacting the Priests, explaining what we wanted to do and asked permission to address the
congregations on a specific day and to include inserting the flyer in their bulletins. Each of our committee
members were given signup sheets, and asked them to ask veterans to sign up to attend and bring their families,
letting us know the number coming with them. I personally contacted each Veteran and Surviving Spouse to
obtain information regarding their branch of service and dates they served. I enjoyed hearing each of their
Our next step was to create an agenda, how it was to be held, and if we should have a meal. Our FN SK Robert
Repka suggested we cater a meal and asked if we knew approximately how many might be attending. We
estimated possibly 100 to 150, and we eventually ended up with 162 reservations, which included Veterans,
their families and Surviving Spouses of decease Veterans and their families.
Dr. Diana Mason, the moderator was assisting me on what information we needed from each Veteran, but
stressed we were to focus on the Vietnam War Era Veterans, although all veterans would be recognized and
honored. The Church’s made announcements and allowed sign up tables after all Masses on an assigned day,
this worked well. The cut-off date was May 10, and on that day we had 52 Veterans who had made
reservations, including 10 Surviving Spouses of deceased Veterans and families totaling 162 attending. Our FN
SK Robert Repka contacted the caterer and secured the food order. The Parish hall had already been reserved
and plans to meet and set it up were made, but then we found out the hall was being used for 1st Communionand Confirmation celebrations, and would already be set up saving us much work. Also, the Alter Society
offered to let us use their red table cloths that looked great and matched our red, white, and blue decorations.
SK Billy Schlebach volunteered to make special flag stands so we could display our Service and POW/MIA flags,
but we needed to borrow a Texas Flag.
All was set in motion for the day to set-up and make final preparations and since a lot of the work had been
done, we were well on our way to a successful event. All I needed to do was to put the final touches on the
agenda and program. Everything was coming together and when all the necessary items had been secured,
including the wine needed to make the six toasts to the Veterans and the separate Service Branches all was set
including picking up two special cakes commemorating this very special event to Honor this Deserving Group of
Veterans and Surviving Spouses. Dr. Diana Mason and Col. Joe Ramos, U.S. Army Retired representing the DOD
presented each Veteran with Commemorative pins, Challenge Coins and copies of Presidential Proclamations.
Group photos of all Veterans and Surviving Spouses of the deceased Veterans who served from 1955 thru 1975
including all other Veterans attending were taken by our photographer Lady Sabrina Broncaccio. In addition,
group photos were taken of the Veterans for each Branch of service represented. The Texas Catholic sent a
photographer to take photos and notes for an article in the Texas Catholic, a monthly publication of the Dallas
The surviving Daughter and Son of our Assemblies Namesake, SK Silas ‘Si’ Jones, Jr. were in attendance and
each recognized; Mrs. Ava Jones Sundstrum and Mr. Gary Jones. SK Silas Jones was a WWII Veteran, who was a
Captain commanding a company of 101st Airborne infantry at the Battle of the Bulge and was captured and held
captive until the end of the war; SK Si Jones retired from the Army in 1966 with the rank of Colonel after serving
27 years. He also served as ROTCJR liaison with the DISD and the U.S. Military for an additional 20 years of
service, making a total of 47 years of service to our nation. He also served as Color Corps Commander and
District Marshall for many years and participated in 2140 Color Corps turnouts.
The event went well with toasts to all Veterans (54) and all 5 Service Branches were represented. The Master of
the 3rd Texas District and his lovely Wife Teri were in attendance as was the Vice-Supreme Master, SK Pat
Conway and his lovely Wife Debbie also in attendance, Also in attendance was our Faithful Navigator SK Robert
Repka and his lovely wife Lynn.
The final event of he program was the playing of TAPS, a very emotional ending to a very special program; a
total of 162 veterans and their families, including many members from our Assembly attended. The event was a
resounding success.
Submitted by SK Thomas Stocks, PFN, PGK
Committee Chairman
I want to thank the Following, without their assistance this program could not have happened;
Dr. Diana Mason, PhD, moderator
Col. Joe Ramos, U.S. Army Retired,, DOD
SK Pat and Lady Debbie Conway, VSM, FM, PFN, PGK, FDD
SK Ken, and Lady Teri Franch, DM, PFN,
SK Robert and Lady Lynn Repka, FN, PGK, DD
Lady Sharon Kuver Ms. Diane Guerra Ms. Sylvia Hobdy, DAR
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