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Texas Knight

The Journal of the Knights of Columbus in Texas

since 1902

Vol. 1, 2024 - 2025

We Are Knights


Do You Want to be a Texas Knight Reporter?

by Mark Johnson, Texas Knight Editor

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Pancake Breakfast and Patriotic Rosary

by By SK, MAN, RN Joel Clemente, Council 12153 and Assembly 3004, Texas Knight Reporter

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St. Jude’s Council 11462 presents a check

by Sir Knight Bill Burns, Texas Knight Reporter

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Faith in Action - District 117 Knights – Building homes for those in need.

by Michael Kells-Murphy, District Deputy 117, Texas Knight Reporter

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Honoring Fr Paul Kahan

by David Lambrix, SK Faithful Navigator Assembly 2816 Council 9564 (webmaster) Asst. Quartermaster 1st District of Texas Our Lady of Guadalupe Province

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The Knights from the Lake Jackson Council

by Ron Frerich Diocesan Deputy, Texas Knight Reporter

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Independence Day

by Tom Stamp GK/Council 6358 (Good Shepherd, Schertz), Texas Knight Reporter

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KC Council 7600

by David and Susan Tull, Texas Knight Reporters

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Diocese of Corpus Christi's Organizational Meeting

by Sir Knight Victor Garcia, Jr., PGK, FDD Colonel, US ARMY, Retired Corpus Christi Diocesan Deputy President, Corpus Christi Knights of Columbus Area Chapter

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Special Customers at the Knights of Columbus Council #759 Burrito Sunday!!

by David Walker Finance Secretary KofC Council #759, Texas Knight Reporter

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Knights with Tools

by Terry Keane Grand Knight Council 10872, Texas Knight Reporter

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Patriotic Rosary

by Brian Tooley District Deputy #106, Texas Knight Reporter

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